Weight loosing techniques for beer drinkers

If you’re serious about losing weight, why not consider the low carbohydrate approach? Following the philosophy of today’s most popular low carbohydrate books, dieters initially restrict their daily carbohydrate intake but incrementally move away from the early restrictions of the diet and increase their carb intake while excess weight continues to come off. Successful dieters can eventually resume enjoying starchy foods like potatoes, rice and even pasta…in moderation, of course.

The publication of a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine reported that a comparison between a low carbohydrate diet versus a low calorie diet showed that the "...low-carbohydrate diet produced a greater weight loss (absolute difference, approximately 4 percent) than did the conventional diet for the first six months, but the differences were not significant at one year. The low-carbohydrate diet was associated with a greater improvement in some risk factors for coronary heart disease."

Although both types of diet seemed to achieve similar results after one year, the choice of a thick steak with a green vegetable and a side salad laden with bleu cheese dressing for dinner versus the blandness of a low calorie diet has made the low carbohydrate approach an appealing one for many.

But what about beer? Is it possible to include moderate amounts of regular brewed beer in a low carbohydrate diet? For years, after all, it’s been called "the drink of moderation."

One problem that some real beer drinkers find when trying to shed weight on a low carbohydrate diet is the seeming reliance on light beer with its minimal carbohydrate content. Is it possible to move beyond the early restrictions of a low carb diet and the blandness of light beer and on to one of your full bodied favorites? Not one of the many popular low carbohydrate diet books on store shelves today addresses the possibility of switching from light beers to regular brewed beers while you gradually increase your carbohydrate intake, a normal step in the mid to later stages of a typical low carbohydrate diet.

Why not? If you’re a beer drinker, the answer might be obvious. There are no carbohydrate listings on the cans or bottles of regular brewed beer because a 1993 ruling by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco [and] Firearms states that "…nutrition information on labels [of regular beers] is unnecessary and unwarranted."

As one who has struggled to drop unwanted pounds, and more importantly as a concerned consumer, I question whether it’s right to simply know the carbohydrate and calorie content of what’s in my kid’s sugar-coated breakfast cereal but not know nutritionally what’s in a bottle of Goose Island I.P.A. or a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

Bert Grant, better known by some as the man who founded the Yakima Brewing Company, the first microbrewery in the U.S., decided back in the 1990s that he was going to subject his popular Scottish Ale to a nutritional analysis. This decision was reached by Grant because many of his customers had asked him to do. The brewer put this information on the beer’s label. The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco [and] Firearms stepped in, however, after Grant began adding this information to the labels of his beer and ruled that Grant’s action was a violation of an old Repeal-era ruling that prohibited beer makers from suggesting that their products were food-like or curative. After a long legal battle and many dollars spent trying to do the right thing, Grant backed down from the Feds but the suits did eventually throw him a bone; ATF said that the brewer could continue to place the carbohydrate and fat content of his beer on the labels of his ale. It was a victory, of sorts, but one that no other brewer has thus far tried to continue.

In March of 2003, however, the Alcohol Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) adopted regulations that, for the first time, will allow alcohol beverage manufacturers to include on their product labels information regarding possible health benefits from the consumption of alcohol. (The TTB has succeeded the ATF as part of the Homeland Security Act). It’s a small step but might eventually lead to a statement of nutritional analysis of all containers of beer, wine and spirits.

For the benefit of anyone who’s considering using the low carbohydrate approach to shedding unwanted pounds, and doesn’t want to wait for some politicians in Washington, D.C. to make up their minds as to whether all beers should have a nutritional analysis statement on them or not, here’s a list of some popular regular brewed beers with their carbohydrate contents. All carbohydrate values are for twelve-ounce servings.


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Tips to convince wife to lose weight

First of all, I appreciate the situation you're in. It's one many men have to face, and one I've faced, and honestly we're not well equipped to deal with it. Here's my advice, for what it's worth, on the subject.

Let me start by saying this: You can't convince your wife to lose weight. Weight is a HUGE control issue for women. It's the big red button in the middle of the control panel, and it has a sign over it saying "DO NOT HIT THIS BUTTON". When she decides she wants to deal with it, she will deal with it. Until then, it's probably best to love and support her the best way you know how.

My wife currently ways about 150Kg (I'm not sure what it is exactly, since it's apparently a matter of national security). Her Doctor is telling her to lose weight. Her joints and feet are telling her to lose weight. The multi-billion dollar ad industry is telling her to lose weight. Random insensitive pedestrians are telling her to lose weight. Her family have been telling her the same thing for years. She doesn't need to hear it from me. What she needs to hear from me is that I love and support her and will help in whatever way I can, when asked (and not before).

I am carrying some extra freight myself (I weigh about 90Kg) that I need to take off. So I've started working on it. I haven't asked her to join me. I haven't told her how great I feel. I haven't threatened to leave her for a skinny-mini when I get into shape. On the contrary, I've reassured her otherwise. I've just been working patiently and diligently to get my weight under control and bring it down a bit. I figured, maybe she'll join me, maybe she won't. I asked her to stash her goodies out of eyesight so I won't be tempted by them. Eventually, she joined Weight Watchers, we've put the whole house on a diet (certain naughty food things will no longer have a temporary home in our house), and she's working on it. I don't ask if she's lost weight, I don't tell her or even ask her what she should or should not be eating or doing. I don't take ownership of Her Project. It's hers, and I'm here to help. My expectation (and this is probably the hardest part) is limited to wanting her to be healthier and happier. The rest of it is up to her.


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How to loose weight with small changes

Let’s look at some tiny changes YOU can make. Aim to make a small change a week - no more than that, otherwise you’ll suffer resistance. Even ONE small change a month can start you on a journey to the slim, vital person you want to be.

* Start with breakfast. If you eat breakfast, how much do you eat? Aim for a breakfast which includes protein. Oatmeal is great too. If you’ve been skipping breakfast, get up 20 minutes earlier so that you can eat before you leave for work;

* Add ten minutes of weight-bearing exercise to your day. Any movement is good, but a weight-bearing exercise like walking is better because it helps to strengthen your bones, and tuns up your metabolism. You will find that you will gradually increase the time you exercise naturally - your body will start to crave exercise. Within a month, you will be walking half an hour a day;

* Add two servings of vegetables and fruit to lunch and dinner. Optimally, you need five to seven servings of vegetables and fruit a day. Start with two. Eat an apple after lunch, and have an orange for dessert after dinner;

* Portion control your protein. Eat a palm-sized serving of meat or fish for dinner. If you’ve been having large servings, decrease the size. Add more vegetables to your plate;

* Slow down when you eat. Often we get into the habit of eating while we’re doing something else. With this small change, focus on your food when you eat, nothing else. Have lunch with someone, and make dinner a family occasion.

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How Does Hypnosis Work on Weight Loss

Considerable controversy swirls around the mechanisms by which hypnosis actually contributes to weight loss. Leon (1976) suggested that hypnosis can help obese people team new healthier eating patterns and retain them. One author remarked that the hypnotic state is characterized by heightened concentration, suggestibility, and relaxation (Mott, 1982). Certain individuals are thought to be capable of achieving this state more readily than others. A so-called hypnotic "induction" whereby a hypnotist using certain procedures to bring an individual into the hypnotic state is not a prerequisite for achieving the state (Mott, 1982). Hypnosis, contrary to the claims of some intemet advertisers cannot magically reprogram people's minds. In short, methods of hypnosis run the gamut from simple relaxation techniques to formal inductions administered by hypnotists, but should not be considered supernatural in its effects.

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How Does Hypnosis Work??????????

Considerable controversy swirls around the mechanisms by which hypnosis actually contributes to weight loss. Leon (1976) suggested that hypnosis can help obese people team new healthier eating patterns and retain them. One author remarked that the hypnotic state is characterized by heightened concentration, suggestibility, and relaxation (Mott, 1982). Certain individuals are thought to be capable of achieving this state more readily than others. A so-called hypnotic "induction" whereby a hypnotist using certain procedures to bring an individual into the hypnotic state is not a prerequisite for achieving the state (Mott, 1982). Hypnosis, contrary to the claims of some intemet advertisers cannot magically reprogram people's minds. In short, methods of hypnosis run the gamut from simple relaxation techniques to formal inductions administered by hypnotists, but should not be considered supernatural in its effects.

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How much one can spend on Lap band surgery

On an average, the cost of Lap Band surgery comes from $17,000 to $30,000 that includes treatment and travel.

Although there was no provision from the insurance companies to reimburse the cost of Lap Band surgery (mainly because it was mistaken as cosmetic surgery), slowly the life risk aspect of the surgery is being realized which is why they are paying for most part of it certified by the doctor according to the NIH standards.

Expense overheads borne by the hospitals

The arrangements are such that the patients are received from the airport to the hotel where a stay of 4-5 days is arranged. The hospital stay is just for one night.

The out-of-town patients get scheduled within three weeks. Most patients can go back to work within 5 days and can start their exercise regime within 10 days. All required Pre-Operative Exams are done on the day prior to surgery.

Some successful doctors

Case 1

Dr. Rumbaut and his team at San José, the most prestigious Private University Affiliated Facility in Northern Mexico, have performed about 1800 Lap-Band procedure without a single case of death.

The mean excess weight loss after 18 months in this case is approximately 67%, other complications with the slippage and erosion of lap band are less then 1%. Infection, bleeding, pneumonia, etc. all less than 2% and all patients were discharged before one week.

Case 2

Dr. Franco Favretti, and Dr. Gianni Segato, two of the most experienced Lap-Band Surgeons in Europe at Saint-Pierre Hospital in Brussels have performed well over 1,700 Lap-Band cases. They have the distinction of performing this surgery along with two other team members namely Dr. Cadiere and Dr. Himpens, in October 1992.

The treatment requires 5 to 6 days stay in Italy which starts meeting the patients at Venice International Airport on Thursday. The patients get admitted to the hospital on Friday Morning for pre-op tests, undergo surgery on Saturday and get discharged from the hospital on Monday.

After surgery, the patients are requested to stay a few more days to make sure about their recovery. After that they are taken for sightseeing to nearby Venice.

By Friday the patients can go back home and can resume work.

Case 3

According to the records of Dr. Cadière and Dr. Himpens, who have done 3000 cases already, not many patients received reimbursement from their insurance.

One patient mortality that in their case was due to over-eating, and esophageal perforation when death occurred some 4 weeks after surgery. The erosion rate is 1%, Pouch dilatation rate is 6 % and band-removal rate 3% after 3.6 years.

Case 4

Dr. Andreas Osterwalder is one of the most experienced Lap-Band Surgeons in Europe at the Ars Medica Clinic near Lugano.

The patients are required to bring the reports of the basic tests like lab/chest x-ray and ECG which prove the fitness to stand general anesthesia for at least 2 hrs, a sonography of the upper abdomen (to exclude gallstones). They are also required to bring reports of a gastroscopy as proof against any gastric disease.

The patient can fly to Zürich, and then to Lugano Airport in Agno to be picked up from there. One should go prepared for a stay of 2-3 days in a hotel room.

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YOGA in Weight Loss

In medical terms, weight loss can be defined as the real loss of excess fat or deposition of additional adipose tissue which is shredded from the human body to reduce the body weight without harming the general function from the human body. It influences better living, both in mind and soul.

A person’s body weight is the result of:

  • the quantity of the food he/she eats
  • his/her life style
  • extent of his/her regular physical activities, if any
  • his/her physiological and genetic factors

Weight loss may be categorized under two heads:

Unintentional weight loss is the general reduction in body weight, vitality and strength of body and mind resulting from a debilitating chronic disease. It is also associated with diseases like diabetes mellitus, lack of fluid intake, HIV, hormonal disruption, and advanced stage of cancer. This sudden and unexpected type of weight loss should be considered seriously and the consultation of a physician is absolutely necessary.

Intentional weight loss may come about in a serious and sincere effort to improve fitness and the general condition of body and mind. Even the most medically healthy persons with healthy weight undergo programs of losing weight. But losing too much weight or being underweight is not only advisable but also hazardous. It has too many health risks. An underweight person may come up against serious health problems like fighting off infection, osteoporosis, decreased muscle strength, trouble regulating body temperature and even increased risk of death.

Weight Loss Management

There is a universal passion to lose weight and acquire a perfectly toned body. There are many ways of losing weight, involving a very difficult balancing task - what to eat, how to exercise, how to prepare a diet chart, the list is endless. It is very easy to talk about losing weight, but actually achieving one's weight loss goals can be a herculean task.

Weight loss techniques related to treatment of diseases and maintaining health:

There are many effective weight loss methods that do not rely on chemical drugs often recommended by the physicians. Of them, proper adjustment to eating patterns and increased physical exercise are vital. A registered dietitian can often help to form a detailed and effective diet chart for obese persons.

  • Using a balanced diet by not over eating as well cutting out high calorie foods.
  • Regular exercises as per expert guidance increase the rate of body metabolism and hence burn excess calories.
  • Traditional breathing exercises or pranayama also have similar effects.

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The only permanent solution to weight management involves the creation of a positive relationship with food through healthy eating, exercise and dealing with negative thoughts that trigger overeating. When we ingest more calories (energy in) than the body needs (energy out) the extra calories are stored as fat. To lose weight, the amount of daily calories burned by the body must exceed the calories consumed.

Gradualy over time the Adjustable Gastric Band (LAP-BAND®) limits the amount of food that you can eat through an early sensation of fullness through periodic adjustments to the band. For that reason we encourage you to choose healthy foods. Another goal is to help you improve your quality of life. If you choose healthy, lean foods, you will certainly lose more weight than if you choose to eat highly processed, fatty foods. The long term goal is to help you make healty food choices.

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