What Causes Overeating?

What Causes Overeating?

Among the glands, the pituitary is the master gland that governs all other glands. It somewhat hangs from the hypothalamus which is, at the base of the brain. It monitors the activities of the other glands to produce exactly the correct amount of their respective hormones.

Hypothalamus are a group of neurons that act as the centre for appetite, the stimulation of which results in the sensation of hunger. If there is an abnormal function of this appetite centre in the hypothalamus, obesity is caused due to overeating.

Obesity also results if the hormones that the pituitary gland secretes, are deficient. One notable feature of this deficiency is, along with causing obesity the height of the person gets retarded, particularly in the case of growing children. Girls stay short and stout and the onset of menses is delayed or absent for a very long period. In cases where this gland is overactive and secretes hormones in excess of what it should, the person grows to an abnormal size. This is known as gigantism.

The second gland that contributes to obesity, is the thyroid. This is situated in the neck. A deficiency in the hormones secreted by this gland results in the speedy division of cells. Such an increase in the number of cells causes obesity.

The third gland is the adrenals. These are two in number and are situated above the kidneys. The hormones that these glands

secrete, control our emotions - anger, fear, etc. Excess secretion of these hormones, or when these hormones are administered in massive doses cause a severe disorder known as CUSHING'S SYNDROME. This is also known by the name Moon face. Any tumour or inflammation in this gland also causes Cushing's syndrome. The person so afflicted, bloats to abnormal proportions and becomes the victim of various other disorders too, like hypertension and diabetes.

The pancreas is a very important digestive organ that secretes the digestive pancreatic juice and an essential endocrine hormone­the insulin. Insulin is very essential in sugar metabolism. The stored fat from the refined carbohydrate and sugar due to the abnormal sugar metabolism result in obesity.

In some cases, if the sex hormones secreted by the ovaries in females, are deficient during menopause, obesity results. Ad­ministering hormones further add to the bulk. So is the case after hysterectomy in some women.

Food addiction and obesity

Addictions are of many types. All of us are addicted to some things without even knowing why and how we are addicted. Generally tobacco, alcohol, drugs like opium and heroin are thought to be the things which a person gets addicted to. But most of us are unaware of an equally serious addiction, that is addiction to food.

Different people are addicted to some food items. Some are addicted to carbohydrates in the form of rice or even wheat, some to spicy food, some to sweets, some to fast food and other commercial food. There are persons who get addicted even to bread and milk. Individually these food as an addiction, i.e. addiction to anyone of these, may be harmless without visible discomfort. If abstained from, or lesser quantity of the particular type of food is taken, one may feel some sort of all-gone sensation in the stomach or suffer other withdrawal symptoms. But once they are introduced again, the withdrawals may disappear. As in any other addiction, the more one eats, the more the food is relished. The craving for eating keeps increasing day-by­day.

Withdrawals and the fear of it

Addiction to overeating is a serious problem, because it causes obesity. Overeating unwittingly begins at a very young age when it can be easily controlled or got rid of. But on being ignored or even encouraged, it reaches a stage when withdrawing or controlling it becomes extremely difficult. We often see persons overeating the type of food they are fond of. Addiction to isolated food items can be considered quite harmless compared to addiction to overeating. But if that isolated food happens to contain more calories than the body needs, addiction' to that particular type of food will definitely be difficult to control. In case that particular food is not available, something else will be sought which gives the satisfaction of eating the missing one. In some cases there are no such cravings for high calorie food like sweets and other processed food. A person simply eats anything that is available till his stomach is uncomfortably full. Less quantity of food makes the individual restless until he eats again after a few minutes' interval.

The underlying cause for such overeating lies basically with the abnormal functions of the endocrine glands and the amount of hormones they produce. Availability of food in abundance is another reason why addiction to overeating is difficult to handle.

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Obesity and Exercise

Obesity and Exercise

At one time walking was considered to be one of the very important exercises which never required a specific time in many people's daily life. All religions advocate that people should attend morning prayers, pooja or namaz at their respective place of worship. People walked in groups almost regularly in the mornings before they started other activities of the day, some still do. They used to walk long distances to their work place, or travelled by bicycles.

Automation has modified the need for physical activities. Elevators, automobiles - two and four wheelers - and the like, have replaced walking, cycling and other natural exercises in our lives.

Walking and cycling, though tire a person while doing them, give much needed exercise and mental relaxation. Travelling by crowded buses and trains do not give exercise but only physical exertion and exhaustion. When two and four wheelers were rare, youngsters walked down to the marketplace for shopping and for other such chores but nowadays even a very young boy depends on two wheelers - bicycle or scooter, for going to even the nearest shop. When compared to two and four wheeler drives, a journey by bus or train is better because at least a bit of walking is involved in it.

Aversion to physical exertion leads to mental exhaustion

Today we come across people who go for a walk in their cars! Yes, they drive to a specific place, mostly sea- shores, park the car there and walk on the sand for a few minutes, and get back into their car to return home, having completed their walking! This has actually happened in a family known to me, where both the husband and wife tried reducing weight. While the lady of the house took to the correct route of reducing through diet, and other activities, the husband by going for walking in the car has remained obese and more so, till date.

Physical exertion in housekeeping has also tremendously reduced due to labour saving devices. But all this has not spared people from getting as tired as the older generation used to who did not have these facilities. They got tired because of their physical exertion. Any amount and all types of food they consumed were instantly converted to energy because of their labour consuming activities. Their overtired body regained freshness after a very sound sleep. Nowadays people experience tiredness which is nervous in origin and not physical. So the same type of food is not converted to energy but fat. Absence of physical tiredness causes loss of sleep or disturbed sleep. This makes them more exhausted than ever.

All about aerobic and rigorous exercise

Though aerobic and rigorous exercises are recommended to lose weight,they are not without disadvantages in a long run. In rigorous exercises there are three stages. First, when you take up a programme like aerobic exercise, spot reducing, weight lifting and the like, the first few days make you a bit tired. But by watching others do it with enthusiasm, you are encouraged to continue for a few more days. This encouragement forces you to wait and see the result. This is the second stage when you experience a well-being and regained strength. The third stage is when doing these exercises very regularly without break, limbs, joints and back start aching a bit, the body too becomes quickly tired. If you stick to it despite the tiredness, the pain slowly disappears. You continue to enjoy the exercises and its benefits. A stage comes when for some reasons you skip such exercises, you become restless unless you resume them. A dependence on these exercises as with drugs or food, slowly takes hold of you.

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Home Remedies for Obesity And Weight Loss

Home Remedies for Obesity And Weight Loss

  1. Extract juice of one lemon in a glass of lukewarm water. Add a teaspoonful of honey, mix well and take in the morning immediately after waking up and before taking anything else. In the same type of drink, in place of honey, add first a pinch of black rock salt, mix well and take in the afternoon. These two doses must be taken regularly.
  2. Roast barley seeds and powder it. Mix it with a little milk and honey. Make a small ball and take it in breakfast. A pinch of salt can be added with a little water and a small ball can be taken at noon.
  3. Sieve wheat flour and remove the bran. Mix two tablespoonfuls of this bran in a glass of skimmed milk, add honey and take it at least once a day. Do not add sugar. Bran can also be taken with buttermilk.
  4. Take a ripe banana mashed in plain diluted cow's milk with a tablespoonful of fresh banana flower juice during breakfast for a couple of months.
  5. Ten drops of tulsi leaf juice with two teaspoonfuls honey in water for one month.
  6. Raw tomatoes and onions, mixed with the juice of one lemon is a very good salad for obesity.
  7. Honey in pure raw tomato juice.
  8. Potatoes boiled with skin or roasted in hot sand or coal fire for breakfast.
  9. Dilute buttermilk made out of skimmed milk.
  10. 10. 100 gms horse gram soaked overnight for breakfast.

Note: All the above said things should not be taken at the same time.

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Phentermine Obesity

Phentermine Obesity

Phentermine is a drug used in the treatment of obesity, this suppresses our appetite so that we feel less hungry then before. This works by changing the levels of brain chemicals that really affect the mood and appetite. This drug is basically used to decrease the weight in obese people accompanied with exercise program, there are many advantages as well as disadvantages with this drug, normally this drug will not be suitable for everyone since it depends how our body reacts after this drug consumption.

This drug must be used by obese people who have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or above only, otherwise the side-effects will be there. Weight loss will normally depend upon how an obese person will use this drug, suppose if a 15 to 30 mg of Phentermine is taken daily then about of 0.5 to 5.9 kg of weight loss is noticed. This medicine must be used for a minimum of two to twenty four weeks for this rate of weight loss to occur.

There are different side effects with this drug like nervousness, irritability, sweating, constipation and sleeping problem to mention a few here, there are many more to mention since the list moves so on. There are now-a-days news that this drug is not being marketed in some countries since there are chances of getting heart and lung problems after using this drug. Its also not good to take these medicine for a long time since what other effects will be still yet be to know.

Even though some prefer to use this drug, the best practice always is to go for a proper diet and do some good exercise that will really be helpful and which normally will not give any side effects at all. So many should know this information before using this drug.

This drug can be ordered online now-a-days, it is being sold online and also the price has been reduced then when it was launched. Though the weight loss is achieved by this using this drug there are more complications after using this so a lot of measures must be taken while taking a decision to use this drug by an obese person.

There are many more drugs available in the market to reduce weight-loss but the selection of the best one will be the crucial for any obese person. So a Doctors guidance is always needed while going for this drug.

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Osteoporosis and Obesity

Osteoporosis and Obesity

Obesity causes one more disease known as osteoporosis. It is common mostly in women. Adetailed description of this disease enables one to understand the damage it can cause.

We tend to think that the bone is a solid stony mass but it is not so. Bone is a cavity. This cavity holds minerals, mostly calcium and phosphates and protein-rich fibrous connective tissues that keep changing. Bones keep on breaking down in minute amounts and are replaced constantly. This function is known as remodel­ling. This remodelling process helps in maintaining strong bones. Between the age of 35 to 40, there is a steady loss of bone, (around 4 percent in a year), especially in women, though there is enormous remodelling. This loss steadily continues till meno­pause. Bone remodelling requires calcium and other nutrients that are stored in the cavity. Since the body needs calcium for other activities, it tends to restore the calcium from the bones, thus the calci urn level in the blood drops too low. As a result the bones become porous with a spongy appearance. This condition is known as Osteoporosis.

Production of the hormone oestrogen decreases sharply during menopause in women. Hence, the ability to absorb calcium becomes poor. That is why intake of calcium in the form of pills does not improve the condition. In case of obesity, overburdened joints and lack of exercise makes this condition worse. Exercise increases bone mass and helps to reduce bone loss. Anything that puts a mechanical stress is often beneficial because it encourages the mobility of the joints in various actions. Only exercises comprising manual labour, movements that aid the mobility of joints and a calcium rich diet can help.

Coffee, tea and other beverages and drugs containing caffeine speed up the excretion of calcium and other minerals. In case of inclined to sit for long hours obese people, the tendency to consume caffeine in all forms other than coffee tea, (analgesics, softdrinks etc.) plays a major role for this condition besides lack of exercise and manual labour. As one grows old, it is a wise thing to avoid these unnecessary evils.

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Losing Weight With Hypnosis

Losing Weight With Hypnosis

There are wide range of procedures and products in order to control the obesity in which losing weight through hypnosis is one method. Weight control through hypnosis is probably one of the two most popular topics when people ask about using self hypnosis for change. It is a complex process but it must be clear that hypnosis alone will not help in losing weight. People who are overweight will not follow regular exercise program and what they are taking in there food which will be risk to their life in future because of which there may be cause of heart attack, diabetes, blood pressure etc,.

By weight loss they can be active and also be free from health problems.

It is certainly one of natural and easiest way to lose the weight. It helps you to let go out of all bad habits and learn good habits. Hypnotherapy will help you in weight loss and weight management in many ways. It will help you to be happier, healthy and energetic. It will also help you to be positive. In this process the person will have a deep relaxation and will follow the suggestions made by therapist.

Through hypnosis you are able to control that part of your brain that deals with metabolism. Metabolism is nothing but the process in which your body quickly processes its food (fuel) sources and how much of it is stored. By increasing metabolism you can speed up weight loss and also maintain the weight loss. Hypnosis is the means to effectively change your metabolism and help you lose weight.

Highly trained person must do this process otherwise there may be a cause of danger. While following the hypnosis process we should take proper diet and also do exercise regularly. Only hypnosis will not help in weight lose. Permanent weight loss is possible through this process. In this process the hypnotist will take you in relaxation mood by saying some positive thoughts and will bring you out of the hypnosis. He will let you walk in the mental state and you will come back to normal state after sometime. By regular exercise and good diet hypnosis will be an effective tool that will help you in reducing the weight loss.

Thus hypnosis is a natural process through which you can loose your weight by positive attitude in your habits and also changes your mindset. The main use of hypnosis is to take the mind to the level where it is free from all tensions and problems so that the person will follow the directions to achieve the goals. It is not the whole process, which will reduce the weight, but it is part of the weight loss process by doing proper exercise and also taking correct diet regularly. So losing weight by hypnosis is the easy way and it also helps us to be free from all tension and depressions, which leads to the healthy and happy life.

How fast can you lose weight through hypnosis?

You cannot lose weight for good after a hypnosis session. Michael Lovitch pointed out: "Again, this [weight loss] is based on the diet and exercise plan you are following." Hypnosis can only enhance weight loss slightly.

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Losing Weight The Herbal Way

Losing Weight The Herbal Way

Gaining weight is easy than losing the weight we gain. Nowadays many people are suffering from the overweight leads to many health problems such as heart attack, blood pressure, increase in cholesterol level and diabetes etc. We can lose the weight we gain by many ways such as taking healthy diet at regular times, doing exercises and brisk walk, taking diet drinks, diet pills, laxatives, weight loss earrings etc. we can also loose gained weight with help of herbal ways. There are many herbal products available in the market, which helps us from control on overweight without suffering health from side effects in short period of time. Where as other products cause side effects on their use. These herbal products are made from plants and herbs. Nowadays people are using these herbal ways more than other products.

People use these products to prevent the absorption of excess calories they have taken in food. They get addicted to these as they work effectively. These are rich in nutrients also. They are rich in taste also. In market there are products, which are named as herbal and which are safe to health but we should know information about them before we buy. Otherwise its better if we taken suggestion of physician who knows about these products well.

Green tea is the best herbal product used for which is used for treatment of obesity.

Herbal Phentermine is a non-prescriptive drug which increases metabolic activities and suppress appetite in a natural way. For taking herbal Phentermine there is no need to consult doctor because it is free of any side-effect.

Herbal Phentermine stimulates natural thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the process in which the metabolic rate of body increases above normal rate of metabolism. This process burns extra calories in the body. When thermogenesis is accompanied with the intake of appetite suppressant better weight loss results can be achieved. Herbal Phentermine can naturally suppress enormous urge for food along with stimulating thermogenesis, hence become a perfect diet-pill.

Apple cider vinegar is the product, which helps in weight loss rapidly and also improves in high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc. These herbal products help in achieving weight loss rapidly in short period of time and achieving the results we are looking for. We should take these products according to our body stamina and strength. Sometimes genetics are also the cause for obesity in such conditions it is better to reduce the overweight by using herbal and natural ways rather than preferring artificial products such as diet pills, diet drinks, laxatives etc.

Only herbal products will not help in weight loss. We should also do exercises regularly, we should do brisk walk at least for 30 min daily. Swimming is the best exercise as all the body parts move equally. Herbal products have more nutrients, vitamins, and proteins, which help us losing the weight in rapid pace. Thus losing weight by herbal ways is the safe process as it have no side effects as the other diet products have which causes to sever health problems further.

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Losing Weight Naturally

Losing Weight Naturally

At present obesity and overweight is the major problem. There are many ways to solve this problem. In market there are many products available which helps us in weight loss very rapidly and easily. But there are side effects by using such products. There are products like diet pills, laxatives, weight loss earrings etc, But the right way to lose weight is doing exercise regularly and taking correct diet for healthy life which takes some time period but people want to lose weight in overnight and use products available in market without knowing the side effects that cause by these products.

It is very easy to gain weight but it is difficult to lose the gained weight. We can lose the overweight and obesity by eating healthy food right time and in right manner. Healthy food includes food with fewer calories, less fats, less carbohydrates, and rich in vitamins and proteins. We should check our weight regularly from the day we start our diet plan. Eat food items such as fish, vegetables, nuts, and grains. We should avoid taking poultry products in more quantity. We should also take fewer carbohydrates in our diet as carbohydrates changes into fat in digestion process.

Eat wide variety of foods as wide variety includes more vitamins and nutrients in them. There are many reasons for overweight such as genetic problem, eating without proper diet, and no proper exercise to the body. Healthy diet plan is the best way to reduce the obesity. Fat does not get digested as the other food products get digested so it better we take very less fat quantity food items. In market there are wide range of items, which are said as fat free, but we should check the fat content in the item before we buy them for that we should have knowledge on fats which are harmful to the health.

So we can lose weight naturally by taking care of food we eat daily and check the contents of fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, etc, If we take food with more fats and calories it causes overweight which leads to some health problems such as heart attack, blood pressure, diabetes, etc, weight loss by natural process will definitely help in weight loss but it is some what time taking process and we should be positive while following this process. So weight loss by natural ways is safe process without any side effects.

Eat Less Fat and Sugar

This will help you cut calories. Fried foods and fatty desserts can quickly use up a day's calories. And these foods may not provide the other nutrients you need.

What About Diet Pills?

Diet pills you buy without a prescription won't make a big difference in how much you lose each week or how long you keep the weight off. If you do use them, read the label carefully. Because of possible side effects, like high blood pressure, never take more than the listed dose.

Adequate Sleep

Learning how to lose weight naturally must include understanding the importance of getting adequate sleep. Sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on your weight loss efforts. You need muscle to burn fat. Your muscles repair themselves from exercising and actually do the growing when you sleep! If you don't get enough sleep, you limit your ability to repair and build muscle and therefore you limit your ability to burn fat. In addition, lack of sleep will result in less energy to exercise and lack of mental focus to follow your goals.

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Obesity Diet

Obesity Diet

Diet plays a vital role in maintaining our body fat contents on a normal stage. When taken properly then the diet plays a crucial factor in reducing this obesity for anyone. Many think that inorder to reduce their obese condition they can stop eating food, so what they do is take the food contents very less when compared with their normal diet habits, the result is not reduction in obesity but some other organ failure in their body. Obese people must take a lot of precautions, like they must use proper medicines as prescribed by the medical practisener.

The foods that have rich contents of sugar, carbohydrates, salts and like wise must taken in a proper quantity, there must be habit developed which makes us to take our intake of food in less quantities frequently rather stopping it fully. The other diets are like taking fresh vegetables, fruits, some dry fruits and milk (which must be taken on a cyclic basis). Oily foods must be stopped as mush as possible so that other side effects will be reduced as much as possible to our body.

Obesity as a lot of side-effects, in order to make ourselves safe from these side effects then we must take a proper diet which has less fat contents and which makes you feel more comfortable after finishing our meal in the morning or dinner at night. Many people now-a-days are practising some more easy ways to reduce this obesity to reduce their fat contents.

Much of the information is available on the internet which will be very useful for anyone to know how to reduce this obesity to some extent. The one who makes this information to put into a proper way will definitely get succeeded in reducing obesity based upon his food habits.

Sometimes there might be a situation where people have to migrate from one country to another due to which there food habits will also get affected a lot, if such a situation arises then there is a lot of chance to get obesity. The best way to reduce in this type of situation is to follow good exercises and also to take food in small quantities and that to on time and not to neglect their sleep. A sound sleep is always a good indication for a healthy person that he is somewhat safe from many diseases getting infected, so these situations give us a picture on how simple ways that each and every individual can follow to reduce this obesity.

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Diseases and Disabilities, Obesity Can Cause

Diseases and Disabilities, Obesity Can Cause

It is unfortunate that obesity leads to many disabilities in one's later life. Some of these disabilities are crippling in nature and others, degenerative.

Diabetes :- Onset of diabetes in adulthood is more common solely among obese persons. Even though heredity is the deciding factor in diabetes, chances are remote if the person takes care not to gain weight as he grows. There are persons with normal weight who are not diabetic though there is a family history of diabetes. Some among such individuals believe strongly that they will inherit the disorder one day or other in their middle age. This belief itself leads them to behave as some diabetics would and they slowly gain weight.

Incorrect way of eating habits in some diabetics

Normally, a diabetic individual feels hungry and eats at short intervals. It is necessary for him to eat small frequent meals rather large ones at long intervals; his family doctor advises him so too. You ask him or others like him about it and they invariably come up with an explanation as to how they are expected to follow their family doctor's instructions lest they should suffer

from low sugar and fainting bouts. They have certainly misunderstood this recommendation. While eating frequently, they fail to regulate or reduce the quantity and quality of food eaten. They satisfy their hunger pangs by stuffing themselves with readily available commercial food, rich in calories but poor in nutrition. At times they also overeat to keep hunger at bay. This type of indiscretion increases the bulk of their body. This itself is harmful.

There should be a rational and perceptible solution for the ignorance about what, when and how a diabetic should eat. This is certainly, without doubt, very easy if one wishes to learn and follow it.

Heart attack : - Obesity invites a number of heart diseases and possibilities of an attack even at a very young age. It is a disturbing fact that heart attacks and deaths occur even at the age of thirty and below, caused by obesity due to over nourishment and high living style. When there is a large amount of fat around the chest, the lungs have less room to expand. Blood oxygenation is impaired. This also makes the heart work harder due to which breathing becomes laborious.

Arthritis :- The structure of the human body is designed to be active in order to stay fit and be free from disabilities. Bulk in the body disallows brisk activity and exercise. Exercise is essential for the production of calcium and to prevent its depletion in the bones. If there is no activity, the amount of calcium in and around the bones and joints will reduce, causing stiffness of the joints. When the weight bearing joints are over-burdened due to obesity, they tend to cause swellings and rigidity of the limbs. The pain and stiffness confines the individual to bed discouraging even the minimum of essential movements. The damage occurs slowly and progressively when degeneration of the joints takes place.

Stroke :- An obese person also risks strokes when he happens to fall, especially if he has crossed the age of forty. During a fall the blood supply to the brain is deprived after the initial rush of the blood. The sudden rushing and draining out of the blood damage ~e arteries supplying blood to the tissues and cells of the brain. This, in turn, causes rupture and seepage of blood, resulting in cerebral haemorrhage. The function of the nerves gets obstructed. This results in paralysis of the limbs. At such times, even the pressure of the blood pumped by the heart suddenly rises. The impact of the raised blood pressure sometimes results in heart attacks too.

Fracture :- Another drawback faced by the obese persons, concerns their accidental falls. A lean person, when he falls down, does not get hurt as badly as an obese person does. He runs the risk of breaking his already over-burdened weight bearing joints and spine. Plaster casts, tractions and bed rest only discourage activities of the limbs and the weight keeps on increasing along with the rigidity of the limbs.

Piles :- People who are overweight suffer from one more irksome problem - piles. Constipation is a favourable condition to cause piles among overweight persons. This is more so with those overweight-persons who use the Western type of toilets instead of in the squatting position. Sitting for long periods increases piles. And an obese person is always inclined to sit for long hours.

Snoring - A dangerous nuisance

Obese persons company, many a time, is detested for a variety of reasons on various occasion, especially when it comes to sleeping in the same room with a snorer. This problem is found to be more prevalent in men who start developing a paunch during their middle age. There may be other causes for snoring like some impairment or obstruction in the air passages, but by and large snorers do have a paunch and they do have a tendency to become obese. Their snoring is not only a hindrance restricted to their roommates or spouses but a dangerous health hazard to themselves too.

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Fast food and Obesity

Fast Food and Obesity

Fast foods are those which have a high content of spicy stuff, fat content and sometimes very much oily. Many people are going for these fast foods at many retail outlets since the taste it gives is really wonderful, even the author who wrote this might go, it’s very simple since our mouth starts watering like anything when we smell any fast food being prepared nearby tour vicinity.

Eating these kinds of junk foods really increase our fat content, lack of exercise and working hours being extended then normal will make the weight in our body to increase like anything.

So many medical problems will be created due to these fast foods, sometimes like diabetics, heart strokes. Consumption of fast foods was very much easy and tasty, many of the children are going ahead with this food since it is fast and on time, due to which the obesity is being affected for many children these days when compared with the olden days, food prepared in the house is being used very less in percentage when compared with the one used with fast food centers around the world.

Many researchers have done a lot of studies on the increase in weight due to consuming these fast foods, the result is simple, and there is a more weight increase in the individual when compared with the results that would be when taken normal food prepared at home. This weight increase is directly affecting an individual’s normal life, insufficient sleeping hours and no proper exercise is leading to infection of other diseases. Fats food may compromise diet quality by displacing more healthful foods.

There is another factor to concern about, now-a-days there are some discounts being given on different fast foods and also some different fast food festivals are being conducted all around the world, the people are being dragged and attracted by these offers and there a re longing to go for these stuffs and increasing their weigh like anything.

A new British study says that eating fast foods regularly will lead to increase of 10 pounds of weight, and making this has an habit leads to diabetics, which is seen as per the researches done by many professionals. Fast food normally is recognized to have very poor nutritional quality which is not understood by the people who take it as a fashion.

So there are always a lot of side-effects with this fast foods.

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Obesity Research

Obesity Research

Many researches have been done to know and have an handful information about this obesity, professionals around the world are taking major surveys and putting their valuable effort to get the required information so that this might be useful for the people around the world to know the consequences about this epidemic. Lot of cost is being occurred for these researches, by which we can come to know that the reason is for a good cause which is useful for everyone.

Since the information that we got from these surveys will be helpful for anyone to come to know what kind of diseases that will come into picture on account of this obesity, diseases like sugar, heart attacks might come due to this obesity. So if we have this information on hand and if we can implement the right precautions then the chances of being secured from the other threatening disease can be increased a lot.

There are some different companies which are totally dedicating themselves for doing these researches, these companies allocate their resources for accomplishing the respective tasks on time and provide the results which show the ambiguities that might have developed due to this obesity if not taken proper precautions.

Suppose an obese person had developed a major complication in his health system, then for that he must be operated then the doctors must be in a position to know what kind of drugs must be used and whether this person’s health will permit and resist for those drugs which will be used during his operation, the answers for all these questions can be got only when we can know the information before hand about these type of situations, so this can only be achieved through good researches done.

Obesity is really a life threatening disease a lot of precautionary measures must be taken to prevent it from increasing day by day. So without we having the information regards this obesity and its consequences then it would be a very difficult stage for anyone to handle.

It’s a very good news that we have a lot of research being done at the back-end by many professionals who are finding out more and more facts about this disease side effects.

So these researches are really, a helpful processes done for the sake of human kind to lead a life which is free from obesity. But lot depends upon our habits also in taking the things in the right direction.

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Obesity Solution

Obesity Solution

There are different ways how you can tackle this obesity problem and its consequences. Much depends upon the percentage factor every year, but a lot of effort is needed in achieving it. Many types of medicines are there to control this disease but proper guidance must be there while using them. Many think that if they start doing dieting then its most sufficient to reduce their obesity, that’s really a bad idea and practice, doing so will make your body to run into other complications which requires a lot more medical care then when compared only with the obesity treatment.

Do we think that the amount of calories that we take in daily are sufficient in all respects, this needs to be paid a lot of attention since much depends upon this component while obesity and weigh control is concerned. Eating a lot of junk foods and neglecting our daily exercises will normally affect our body health condition very drastically. There are many precautions give by known people, but frankly speaking how many individuals are practicing this and taking this as a daily event in their life cycle, the percentage comes to a very less figure. Same is happening in all parts of the world.

There are some diets which are specifically introduced or prepared to reduce the obesity when taken in defined quantities, but do we are calculating the nutrition value that these are containing, many of such diets value very less nutrition content. These are indirectly affecting a human beings normal body structure. The solution that we wanted to implement to reduce this obesity must be such a one that it will not affect the normal body state and parallely it will help in reducing the weight of our body. Apart from taking these diets if we can follow good exercises at all stages of our life then we will definitely have a good body condition.

Apart from diet intake, there are other factors to consider when selecting a solution to reduce obesity, the individuals must practicing walking long distances rather using their vehicles daily, this not only decrease weight and fat content in our body rather it will also help in reducing the diabetic level in our body. This helps also in reducing other side complications to our body.

So the solutions are many in order for us to achieve the target but the ease with which we select our good solution and make it flexible to suit or body conditions is important so that the weight loss can be achieved gradually.

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Obesity Facts

Obesity Facts

Obesity is something serious which has to be taken into account while considering any health preventive measures to lead a safe and an healthy life by anyone around the world. There are different ways and modes how the information is flowing around the world to reach many individuals to take measures and be prepared to fight against this obese factor, but the information which is provided by many professionals is not properly taken in by the people which we can know based upon the percentage rate of increase of obese candidates around us. Some people are thinking that obesity is not a big problem and they are taking things very light due to which the attack by this threatening disease is becoming very much easy on many individuals.

Preventive measures must be taken by all of us to reduce this disease otherwise the ultimate stage is death which might be the end of any human life. So the way the people practice the steps to control this disease is also an important point to discuss about at any stage. Some think that doing exercise daily will reduce their fat content due to which they can reduce their calorie intake and maintain a proper balance of their body, but the other thing that must be considered that a good level of diet must be taken and that to as suggested by the doctors for us to do.

Many internet web-sites and advertisements are now being posted and shown or screened by many countries regards this obesity, the reason behind this is very simple, in order to educate people about this obesity side effects this much of effort is being put by many governments around the world. Things need to be changed as soon as possible, people must start practicing a lot and make it a daily habit to take proper diet, do a regular exercise even though they have less amount of time to spend or allocate for winning this so called battle against obesity rival.

The percentage factors for the people who are affected with this disease is always increasing year by year in every country even though the government officials are talking a lot of preventive measures inorder to reduce this at any cost and effort.

It all depends upon each and every individual to feel and think that he has a problem which is upcoming in his near future, he has to foresee this problem as early as possible and tackle it as easily as possible by using some important preventive measures provided by many known persons at any cost. If everyone feels like this then an end can be reached very soon.

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Obesity Causes

Obesity Causes

Obesity is a very dangerous disease that really comes into picture due to many reasons which depend upon different conditions that really effect an individual in how he manages his diet, sleep, exercises and others like what type of lifestyle his he following and which type of job he is doing etc. Genetic reasons are there which really affect this lot, many people around this world are falling prey to this disease due to hereditary factors. This disease will also affect when we are lazy and neglect what we have to do normally for our body to be perfect. Improper diet intake will really play a vital role in easily effecting with this so called obesity.

When anyone starts consuming food which has rich contents of sugar, starch, fat and highly processed foods then there is a chance to gain weight easily. Also people now-a-days are using many appliances which do many of the human tasks, due to which the normal exercise that used to be there for an individual to reduce his calories is being effected, the result is fat increment in the body and being obese easily.

So when planning to reduce your weight and decreasing our fat contents in the body then we have to follow proper planned rules which will really be helpful for our life as a whole. If neglected then there is usually a very less chance of becoming normal in our living, an individual faces many problems apart from this obesity, the side effects that come into picture are most worse foreseen for many people around the world.

The food that we have to take and working late-nights and sleeping hours being reduced then wanted and no exercise at all to our body is really effecting many people to get effected with this obesity. Reasons might be many to explain this disease being affected but the way we take precautions to increase this must be followed properly, if we don’t have a clear cut idea then its always a good practice to consult a family medical practitioner for knowing in depth information about this obesity.

To reduce the calorie content we must be able to take a proper diet and do a lot of exercise always and that to daily as per indications given by many professionals all around the world. Even though there will not be time to practice this daily somehow we must adjust our daily calendar so that we might be in a position to overcome this threatening disease called as obesity.

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Weight Loss Surgery

Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery has an safe and effective method for the long term treatment of the patients with severe obesity if you decided to have weight loss surgery it is important that you have a permanent lifestyle change. the most important step in weight loss surgery is getting all the information you need about the various surgical options and you should be aware of the signs or symptoms of complication to look for which may occur after your weight loss surgery. Now a days people are taking more interest on health conscious with weight gain and some people are doing dieting to avoid weight loss surgery obesity can cause serious health issues it is often associated with health problems such as hypertension, gall bladder disease, diabetes and high cholesterol today people are trying more unorthodox methods of losing weight but later on there are turning to weight loss surgery.

With the help of present technology, it is possible that the physicians can make diagnosis with the help of clinical examinations. Therefore people who are suffering from obesity problem can undergo surgery without any hesitation or doubts. Weight loss surgery claims to increases longevity and improve health. It has been defined to prevent complications and discomfort for patients. There are some critics that currently there is no evidence to suggest that the weight loss surgery increases life span and improves health. The purpose that weight loss surgery often involves a second or third operation to fix problems which arise after the initial surgery. It will be a life threatening if it all the weight loss surgery goes wrong.

Severe obesity is very difficult to treat for some people for some people surgery will promote weight loss by restricting food but the surgery to weight is a serious undertaking. You should clearly understand the problem before making any decision to make weight loss surgery. Normally as food moves along the digestive tract, digestive juices and enzymes arrive at the right place and at the right time to digest and absorb calories. After we chew and shallow our food it moves down the esophagus to the stomach where there will be a strong acid continues that digestive process most of the iron and calcium in the foods we eat are absorbed in the duodenum the food particles that cannot be digested in the small intestine are stored in the large intestine until eliminated. Therefore it can be said that losing weight depends on the motivation and positive attitude. We must chance our food and do proper dieting in order to live a happy life.

How Does Surgery Promote Weight Loss?

The concept of gastric surgery to control obesity grew out of results of operations for cancer or severe ulcers that removed large portions of the stomach or small intestine.

Because patients undergoing these procedures tended to lose weight after surgery, some doctors began to use such operations to treat severe obesity. The first operation that was widely used for severe obesity was a type of intestinal bypass. This operation, first used 40 years ago, caused weight loss through malabsorption. Two types of surgical procedures used to promote weight loss are:

  • Restrictive surgery
  • Malabsorptive surgery.

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Weight Loss Exercise Program

Weight Loss Exercise Program

Weight loss exercise program is a critical component of good health. It will help you in lose weight, gain weight or maintain weight depending on your needs and also you can improve your resistance to fight infections and help your brain better thus making you smarter. the key to obtaining the benefits of exercise is to find a program and stick to it. It is very important to have right physician to for through a detailed body check up before staring any exercise program. There are some people who get impatient easily and thus effects their routines and they might lose their confident and ends in a disastrous results.

Exercise is also known as physical activity and includes anything that gets you moving such as walking, dancing. You can earn the benefits of being physically active without going to a playing sport or any fancy equipment. When you are really fit you have the strength, flexibility needed for your daily activities by doing all these you will feel better physically and mentally. losing weight is off a real challenge for most of the people It is important that you have a right dietitian. They can help you to find different ways to decrease your calories but still consume the food you enjoy. They can change strategies to help you from older habits to new ones. It is important that even a relatively small amount of weight can make a real improvement in reducing your risk from diabetes.

You will have a lot of chance for losing weight if you do the exercise daily and if you does not follow any exercise than there is a chance of losing your weight thin. You should commit to do the program daily. the best way to change power of your healthy eating, non diet weight loss program and fitness program is to spent time doing lot of exercise. The key reason for our healthy weight loss program is to get back in touch with your body natural signals for hunger. You should learn what should be eaten and what should not been eaten. Find out how the unmated food cravings with healthy eating strategies that are more realistic than healthy diet recommendations. Before starting any exercise you should walk for about twenty minutes and after that take a break and stretch for a while after that start doing the exercise one by one taking sometime this will make you tire but it will boost your morals to go for more but you must not overdo it even thought you have a lot of energies inside you.

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Negative Calorie Foods

Negative Calorie Foods

Negative calorie foods are those which use more calories to digest in our body rather then they might have used normally. To say literally all foods are not negative calorie rather they a good in calorie content, it all depends upon the body how it reacts to the situation while the digestion process is being undertaken inside the abdomen of every individual. These foods make the body to work a lot and stress it to get the calories out of them, so the result is that we will be having a fat content which is very less and chances of reducing our weight less then during obesity.

There are many researches being done on this Negative calorie food concept, to mention here one Dr. Dean Ornish, M.D ., of the University of California , at San Francisco, he made a research by providing a vegetarian food consisting of fruits and vegetables to certain group of people who are suffering from heart disease, to his surprise he found the results that there is a weight loss of nearly 20 pounds without cutting calories or limiting serving sizes. These patients were nearly 40 years old, and another point to note here is that there is no exercise program for the above research subjects.

There are few list of Negative calorie food, to mention a few here are : asparagus, beet, broccoli, green cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery root, celery chicory, hot chili peppers, cucumber, dandelion, endive, garden cress, garlic, green beans, zucchini, apple, cranberries, grape fruit, lemon mangoes, orange, pineapple raspberries, strawberries, tangerine, lamb’s lettuce, onion, papaya, radishes, spinach and turnip. A lot of research has been done to categorize that the above mentioned foods come under as Negative Calorie foods.

There are a lot of contradictions regards this concept, though some have done a lot of research and found out that they have some foods that are negative calorie foods many still believe that no such concept exists in this subject related to nutrition and calorie production inside our body. Some say that how can we have any such foods which really take a lot of calorie from our body in order to get themselves digested, if that happens then the individual who takes it must be falling as a prey very easily to many diseases since he will be loosing his energy like anything and will also be a person to decrease his resistance level.

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Nutrition and Weight Loss

Nutrition and Weight Loss

Now a days people around the world are very much interested over there health. They want look good and spend lot of money for weight loss so that they can increase their body metabolism and can lose their weight at a rapid rate. By doing this exercise they had ro inspire each and everybody to do the exercise and tell them the advantages to them so that they will follow it and do the exercise daily for the weight loss. there are two basic motivations for weight loss .one is for health reason and other is more personal. Maintaining a healthy weight and eating well are both done for the same reasons one exercise the things that a person feel healthy and fit both mentally and physically are don’t smoke, drink alcohol in moderation and get sufficient sleep.&

The other motivations for weight loss are often discussed because they are more personal or psychological. when someone is not happy with is body and concerned with being overweight it will often become unhappy .many people avoid activities because they feel unfit and unworthy .many physical and social are suspended because of the low self image. They will also avoid relationships intimacy and even searching for jobs. Some may thing that if I got job then I do everything for my health. These strong inhibitions often leads to depression, thus compounding the initial weight problem. Being overweight is not a minor problem and should never be disregarded. The medical profession is taking it seriously as it effects both mental and psychological well being of the person.

There are other weight loss supplements that people can lose weight by having active ingredients that prevents absorption of carbohydrates. Chitosan is one compound that really work good in preventing fat absorption but it take several months before they lose even of pound of fat but it is safer not to try these medicines but to work on eating healthy and according to requirement of a person. you must take some decision to take care of your health such as walking, doing exercise daily and eating healthy food this can do your body reducing weight. There are different reasons that one should know how the weight loss products promising people to help to reduce weight. People just want to lose weight quickly and they use these supplements and looking for a miracle to happen by doing proper exercise daily your health will be happy forever.

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Drugless Natural Methods for Reducing Weight

Drugless Natural Methods for Reducing Weight

Most of us are unaware of the various modes of natural treatment available to us to overcome obesity.

The article to follow will give an insight into these modes and make the process of reducing an enjoyable exercise.

Diet Therapy

Just as the causes for obesity are numerous, so also the natural means for reducing are many. Whatever mode of natural treatment one may choose, it is the diet which gets the pre-eminent position. Hence, it is best that we give diet precedence over other means in seeing how it can help in the control and cure of obesity.

Diet therapy is a scientific way of treating disorders, just by fasting, replacing wrong food with the right one, avoiding certain food items that increase weight, and including some valuable raw food, green and fresh natural food.

Lung diet and stomach diet

We breathe air through the nose which is the diet for the lungs. This needs to be free from pollution of any kind. The air we breathe in overcrowded cities is so highly polluted that people

seek for possible opportunities to get away to a cleaner environment, visit hill resorts, sea shores and open space in search of fresh unpolluted air. We do not appreciate polluted air and even the artificial air of fans for long. We can say that our lung diet on the whole has not degenerated as has our stomach diet. Purest air suits us best even today as a rule, whereas, purest form of food is not liked by most of us.

Just as our lung diet, our stomach diet (the food we eat) also needs to be pure and fresh to nourish our body. But unfortunately it is increasingly getting more polluted and artificial due to over­cooking, refining and processing. This is because we relish this type of diet and prefer it to fresh diet. Food, either raw or mildly cooked, which was acknowledged and considered a healthy diet and health diet by our forefathers, is rarely relished today.

For the sake of good health, the need has arisen to reintroduce these healthy foods in our daily life because we are susceptible to ill health and disease due to the practice of eating over-cooked, artificial and processed food which are tasty to our palate, no doubt, but are injurious to our health.

Obesity: A nutritional error

'Any disease enters through the mouth'- is a Chinese proverb. But most of us are reluctant to admit that food, to a great extent, contributes to the development of disease. Obesity is a nutritional error, a malady caused by over-nourishment and faulty nourishment. Obesity is known to be the result of the body getting the wrong balance of essential nutrients.

It is imperative that the essential nutrients the body requires must not be ignored, but regulated when you choose the diet in losing weight. Our body consumes more energy merely to maintain itself, leaving proportionally reduced energy for other activities. Dieting efforts often efforts often fail when the actual need of the body is ignored in the enthusiasm to reduce. Most of the people drastically reduce their intake of food or skip their meals in the assumption that quitting to eat is the surest way to reduce. In their initial enthusiasm, they do lose weight but once they start feeling extremely weak, they get back to eating more than what they used to before dieting and, as a result, gain weight rapidly.

An obese person does not always eat more. Some complain that they do not eat at all for days together or eat very little food or skip many meals in spite of which their weight increases alarmingly. This is due to a variety of other factors already discussed.


When our limbs get tired, we rest them by lying down or by keeping them in an elevated position. When our eyes are tired, we simply close them and relax. When even our brain is tired, we sleep to give it rest. Once in every 24 hours, for at least 5 hours, we take recourse to sleeping. During sleep, as in wakefulness, all our physical actions are controlled by our will. In case of sleeplessness, we even induce sleep through different means, including, of course, by the intake of drugs. The activities of speech, sight, sound and smell are controlled and relaxed during our sleep. But our heart, lungs, kidneys and digestive organs do not rest even when we sleep.

Their functions cannot be controlled by will. Unless our night meals are light and consumed two to three hours before bed time, the load on the stomach and other digestive organs like liver, intestines etc. becomes too much. During sleep, the body is limp and inactive, whereas mobility and activity aid digestion to a greater extent.

Besides being the simplest method, fasting is also nature's complete remedy for losing weight. Whatever the cause for obesity, fasting provides the surest cure. Every community in our country, without exception, recommends fasting. This is because of the therapeutic value of fasting, which is the surest remedy in almost all conditions, especially obesity.

Fasting, however, is much misunderstood by one and alL We nurse in our minds a misconception about the value of fasting. To understand the value and effect of fasting, let us direct our attention towards its influence on the human organism.

Speaking of fasting, we must know that our body is designed for survival even in adverse conditions. One example is the way it adjusts itself during periods of scarcity. During the World War II, when severe famine occurred, many people found their long lasting chronic diseases cured automatically! Because it is only during such occasions that the accumulated dispensable storage of nutrition in the body, which otherwise poses a threat to a healthy life, gets the opportunity to be utilized in the absence of regular food.

Between fasting and starving

Before we proceed, let us understand the difference between fasting and starving because fasting is always confused with starving. In spite of having three meals a day, we may still starve if the food we take only fills the stomach but deprives our body of the required essential nutrients. This is partial starvation.

In some persons, fasting for more than two days may result in severe anemia and thus their health suffers setbacks. Other severe problems like low blood pressure and low blood sugar, extreme exhaustion, gout, severe headaches and nausea may accompany this, and the weight loss so achieved will not be actually fat reduction, but wasting of muscles. As already mentioned, unless undertaken under expert supervision, fasting is not advisable. A will-power to fast with special drinks is needed in order to avoid getting severe side-effects and health problems.

Fasting gives the much-needed rest to the organs for a better functioning subsequently. Fasting regenerates our body and puts us back in health. This is restoration. Fasting is the constructive way of gaining health. One can fast for even one full month when the body's reserve and stored nutrients feed the organs. So, next time when you come across persons announcing fast unto death, do not pity them or worry about them. Their body reserves will suffice even if they prolong the fast for upto one month !

Starvation occurs only when the storage is exhausted in the process of elimination of the toxic waste in the form of gas, solid and liquid through lungs, bowels and bladder. This will be obvious from the foul breath emanating from the mouth of one who fasts. Their urine and stools will also smell equally bad. You can imagine the consequences of allowing such highly decomposed matter within the body to remain inside. Starvation occurs only during very long fasts.

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Losing Weight Rapidly

Losing Weight Rapidly

Now a days very few people are getting enough exercise and fitness. At present days obesity is a big problem and there are people who are suffering from this problem in millions through out the world. Obesity is condition where we take more calories of food than the calories burnt. We can loose the weight by doing exercise and walk, which takes some time and patience, but people want to loose weight rapidly in short time of period by not changing their lifestyle.

Rapid weight process involves use of diet pills and also fast track diet. Diet pills are the most innovative way to lose weight rapidly by suppressing our appetite. We can lose weight rapidly by using diet pills and also doing some exercises and also following nutritious diet regularly. Diet pills are available in market in wide range. But it is safe to concern physician before taking them. We should take the diet pills in particular dosage we should not exceed the dosage if we exceed the dosage it may cause side effects. We should take the diet pills before talking the food.

Another way of losing weight rapidly is by fast track diets but this procedure is safe until we follow the diet but as soon as we stop we will regain the weight that we lost and again obesity will be back. But by this process there are adverse conditions, as we are not taking right quantity of food, which fills our body requirement regularly. Nowadays there are many products in market, which will loose weight rapidly, by which we look smart and younger but we will not be active enough. By using these products we loose the excess water from our body, which is not the right way to loose the weight. In this process the fat will not be reduced which is the actual cause for obesity. So we should be careful while we are buying such products from the market.

So if we reduce our body weight rapidly there will be fall in metabolic rate and also less energy, which causes side effects and also effects the health adversely. So if we choose rapid weight lose program then we have to take healthy food and also do exercise regularly to maintain good health and fit body, which prevents body from obesity and also from laziness. so we should reduce our weight keeping our metabolism at correct level by taking proper diet and exercises.

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Reduce Weight by Natural Ways

Reduce Weight by Natural Ways

Obesity or overweight is a condition characterized by excessive deposition or storage of fat in adipose tissues. Over the years it has been a common problem all over the world.

Ayurveda describes eight types of bodies, which are considered bad. Out of the eight, the two that are widely explained are: very thin body and very fat body. It has been proved that out these two those who are very fat have most diseases and troubles. This is because the extra fat puts a strain on the heart, kidneys, liver and the joints such as the hips, knees and ankles. Over weight persons are susceptible to several diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, gout, liver and gall bladder disorders.

The chief cause of obesity or over-weight is often overeating, irregular eating habits and not following the rules of eating including improper mixing of food items in one meal.


  • Fruits and green vegetables are low calorie foods, so over weight persons should use these more frequently.

  • One should avoid intake of too much salt. Salt may be a factor for increasing the body weight.

  • Milk products like cheese, butter should be avoided because these are rich in fat. Meat and non-vegetarian foods should also be avoided.

  • Spices like dry ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for loosing weight and can be used in a number of ways.

  • Rice and potato which contain a lot of carbohydrates should be avoided among cereals wheat is good.

  • Vegetables like bitter gourd (Karela), and bitter variety of drumstick are useful for loosing weight.

  • Taking of honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity. It mobilizes the extra deposited fat in the body and puts it into circulation, which is utilized as energy for normal functions. One should start with small quantity of about 10 GMs. or a tablespoonful to be taken with hot water. It is good to take it in early morning. A teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice may also be added.

  • Fasting on honey and lime juice is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity without the loss of energy and appetite. In this mode of treatment, one teaspoonful of fresh honey should be mixed with a juice of half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water. It can be taken several times in a day at regular intervals.

  • Cabbage is considered to be an effective remedy for loosing weight. This vegetable inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction. It can be taken raw or cooked.

  • Exercise is an important part of weight reduction plan. It helps to use up calories stored in body as fat. In addition, it also relieves tension and tones up the muscles of the body. Walking is the best exercise to begin with and may be followed by running, swimming, rowing.

  • Lime juice is excellent for weight reduction. Juice of a lime mixed in a glass of warm water and sweetened with honey should be taken every morning on an empty stomach.

  • Measure the portions of your food every meal and make sure that the portions are small. For example one portion of rice should not be more than the quantity which can fit in your fist. Smaller meals at a regular interval of 4 to 5 hours will keep your metabolism high and prevent your body from converting the food you intake into fat. You must also include regular exercise in your daily routine to help enhance weight reduction.

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Dieting Tips

  1. Drink plenty of water: The importance of this cannot be stressed enough. Water is about the most natural thing you can let into your body. It flushes out toxins and keeps your system running well. Often when we claim to feel hungry, it is often a misread thirst for water. If you have a glass of water before a meal, the amount of food we consume is also naturally less. It is not unhealthy because you aren’t depriving yourself of food. You’re merely eating what your body needs.
  2. Eat fresh fruits: Fresh fruits do a world of good. They have a lot of fibres and vitamins that help our body. The calories in fruits are also very less, so they are the ideal food.
  3. Learn to love the leafy: Leafy green vegetables are your best bet when you want to lose some pounds. They are versatile, so can be used in a wide variety of foods. Munch on a piece of lettuce, or make a sandwich…it will satisfy your hunger, and keep those pounds off at the same time.
  4. Wait a while after dinner: Don’t go to bed right after you’ve eaten a meal. Wait at least a couple of hours. Going for a walk is recommended; since it will help you digest your food.
  5. Only eat when you’re hungry and avoid snacking in between meals : Try to avoid snacking in between meals, or simply eating because you have “nothing else to do”. Only eat when you feel really hungry (i.e. experience slight hunger pangs) It might be tough to follow at first, but once you fall into a regular routine, you will be glad to stick to it.
  6. Check the box: Whenever you buy something, check the box for nutrition information. It is always good to know the amount of calories that you are taking in.
  7. Avoid fried food : Fried food has a high percentage of fat. Avoid as much of it as you can. It will also help your cholesterol levels down, therefore reducing the risk of heart disease.
  8. Cut down on salt : Salt is one of the causes of obesity. Try to avoid a high intake of salt. Too much salt also promotes a feeling of “bloated ness”.
  9. Stay clear of crazy fad diets : These are in no way good for you. Avoid them like the plague, the only thing you’ll “lose”, is your health.
  10. Reduce your meat intake: If you find it too hard to go completely vegetarian, then try to limit the meat intake to maybe twice or thrice a week, and then work from there.

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How to loose weight?

How to loose weight?

The most importanty how to loose weight is to eat slightly less( i.e. 500 to 800 k cal )than the daily energy requirements. This should result in weight loss of about 1 to 2 pound in a week. Weight loss may vary from person to person and will be a bit fast in the beginning( 1st 1 or 2 weeks) due to water loss . But along with a little reduction in diet to loose weight & some aerobic exercises should also be done. To find out how much carbs ,fats, proteins and calories you are taking visit our calorie in foods page .

The reduction in calories to loose weight can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Cut down on all visible fats such as butter , margarine , cream and cooking oils as well as invisible fats present in pastries , biscuits and cakes . choose low-fat milk, cheese and yogurts

  • Choose lean cuts of meat and avoid processed meat such as salami. grill or roast meat without adding fat instead of frying

  • Eat more boiled legumes (e.g. lentils and beans and beans) , which provide protein but contain very little fat

  • Avoid refined carbohydrates like sugar(sucrose) as well as refined grain products such as white floor and white rice

  • Increase your consumption of unrefined carbohydrates eat wholemeal bread,whole-grain rice and cereals ,fresh fruit ,and plenty of vegetables

  • Reduce your intake of alcoholic drinks , which are high in calories

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Weight Loss Through Diet

In this article, we are going to discuss different recipes that can help you create a healthy diet, as well as different tips so that you can lose weight in the best fashion.

1. You can make a delicious low fat mayonnaise by adding one teaspoon of Dijon mustard or stay sauce with low fat yogurt, which will provide you a refreshing taste, as well as excellent low fat diet.

2. You can stuff the vegetables such as capsicum and zucchini with fillings of minced chicken, white meat or fish. These are healthy and contain the right nutrition that you need. The best of all is that they are low fat.

3. You must not skip meals as they are only going to make you weak and will slow down your metabolism as well as will lead you to lose protein. So it is terribly important that you must not skip your meals at all to maintain your health. Remember that eating increases your metabolism and will help you lose excess fat and eating healthy is the key to lose the weight effectively.

4. You can take pita bread and add the salad filling to it in the center and then roll it up and this is the light and the nourishing food that you will need to have as a part of your daily food routine.

5. As a fact, after eight hours of waking up, the metabolism of our body just slows down and it is there very important that we prevent our metabolism from slowing down. We can increase our metabolism by working out in small patches throughout the day so that our body just maintains the metabolism and help us maintain the pace of burning our fat through this process, as the fat keeps burning through our body even if we are at rest.

6 You must have extra iron by adding alfalfa or mung beans to the salad.

7 It is really important that you learn as to what foods are healthy and what amount of carbs and proteins and fats you are ingesting, so that you can track your health through the foods you are selecting for yourself. It is also important that you learn to cook these foods in the least greasy way so that you can maintain the balanced daily dietary intake during the entire day.

8. There are a few things that you must always take care of when cooking your family recipes; you must always make sure that the amount of fats, salt and sugars are at their minimum. You can always choose to use the non-fat yogurt instead of using cream in your foods and you can stir fry the foods without oil and in place of salt you can use herbs and spices to add taste to your food and in this way you can just make yourself an excellent dish with which you can achieve your goal of managing your increasing weight.

9. You must always remember to consult your physician before starting the exercise or the weight loss program. It is really necessary that you have the guidance of a professional with you so that you are not making any decisions that are going to affect your health in an adverse way.

10. It is best for you if you eat slowly and chew your food rather than swallowing it, as eating the food slowly will give you a feeling of full stomach and would prevent excessive load on your stomach and would also keep you from overeating. This is going to help you a lot to maintain the weight and keep you healthy.

11. It depends greatly that you do not do a bad diet by skipping meals or not eating at all and for that matter you must eat about three small meals in a day and eat at least two snacks so that you can maintain a balanced diet throughout the day and you not lack in the vital nutrients for your body to function effectively.

12. You can always use the chicken stock when stir frying and this will cut down the hidden fat and keep your calories balanced according to your needs.

13. You can buy the non-toasted muesli instead of the toasted ones because the plate of toasted muesli contains more fat than a plate of bacon and eggs. There it is pretty important that you are fully aware as to what choices and selections you need to make regarding your diet.

14. It is always good to eat the skin of the fruit as it contains fiber in it and other important ingredients. Therefore it is pretty important that you do not remove the skins of fruits and vegetables and get all the important ingredients present in the skin of the fruits.

15. There is another cool recipe that would keep your metabolism going throughout the day and you can do it by adding lemon juice to warm water and have it before breakfast. This will help you get your metabolism going on as well as preventing any constipation episodes and it is also amazing for your skin.

16. Proteins are the essential part of your diet and you can get the proteins from the soya beans or tofu apart from having them from meat. You must remember that all legumes contain proteins in them, which includes lentils, beans, and you can add them to soups to have a better taste as well as excellent nutrition.

17. Another best thing for you would be to look for a club or gym where you can exercise, which is much better for you rather than working alone, as in a gym environment you will get a partner and a coach with which you can work out and they will help you stay right on the path and will motivate you throughout the process and this will help you maintain the regularity that you need to work out and lose weight. This will definitely be a very good source of enjoyment and fun.

18. This is the most tough deal to ask for, but it would be in your best interest if you do not eat three hours before bedtime.

19. You can learn to make the food for you that cooks in the least time possible and that is pasta, as preparing pasta would require only about 10-12 minutes at most.

20. It is another very important fact that the chilli helps you to speed up your metabolism. Even the milder varieties of chilli increase the metabolism.

21. You can also reduce the fat intake by not using the yolks of egg and you can make the omlett by not adding the yolks at all and this will help you prevent from taking fat intake, which would be a wise decision.

22. You can also prevent the intake of fat by putting the ice cubes into the baking tray and then the fat will just get stick to these cubes.

23. You must make a wise shopping list so as to buy only those foods, which have the least amount of fats in them. You can buy food for a week and thus making the right choices for yourself and do not tempt to buy things that are not right for you such as foods that have a lot of fat in them.

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