Cost of Lap banding surgery

Cost of Lap banding surgery

On an average, the cost of Lap Band surgery comes from $17,000 to $30,000 that includes treatment and travel.

Reimbursement from insurance companies

Although there was no provision from the insurance companies to reimburse the cost of Lap Band surgery (mainly because it was mistaken as cosmetic surgery), slowly the life risk aspect of the surgery is being realized which is why they are paying for most part of it certified by the doctor according to the NIH standards.

Expense overheads borne by the hospitals

The arrangements are such that the patients are received from the airport to the hotel where a stay of 4-5 days is arranged. The hospital stay is just for one night.

The out-of-town patients get scheduled within three weeks. Most patients can go back to work within 5 days and can start their exercise regime within 10 days. All required Pre-Operative Exams are done on the day prior to surgery.

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