Nutrients That Aid Weight Loss: Calcium
There are certain foods and nutrients that have been shown to help those trying to lose weight. In a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, women with the highest consumption of dairy calcium lost the most weight and fat over two years, regardless of how much or how little they exercised.
According to research, calcium appears to suppress a process of the body in which fat is deposited, so intake of calcium may actually promote metabolism and reduction of fat. Though it is better to get calcium from nutritious foods, calcium supplements are also effective. Many women's daily calcium intake is far below the recommended 1200-1500 milligrams per day, so there is typically room for improvement in this area.
Foods High in Fiber and Water Content Help Weight Loss
Fiber is a substance that is not digestible, so it adds bulk to foods without adding significant calories. Consuming high fiber foods is beneficial for health in general, but also aids weight loss by giving a feeling of fullness without extra calories.
Similarly, eating food with high water content also give a feeling of fullness, but water has no calories. Foods that contain a lot of water include most fruits and vegetables, eggs, fish, and soups.
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