Reduce Weight by Watching TV

Reduce Weight by Watching TV

I LOVE my TV! The idea of being able to watch TV as I lose weight sounds pretty good to me. With EnterTRAINING, the idea is that you can watch TV and use your TV to motivate you to exercise.

The merchant for this weight loss product says that "EnterTRAINING turns your TV into your own personal trainer. If you are not exercising hard enough, the TV volume goes down. If you don't get back on track, the TV turns off until you do." EnterTRAINING is a "method for motivating fitness. It employs electronic entertainment as a reward system for cardio target zone training performance while using The EnterTRAINER. The more desirable the reward (TV show, music, video game) the more motivated you are to maintain your cardio target."

For me, this sounds like a bit more work than I am willing to do because I Iike watching my TV with some salty crunch snack by my side and a nice soft seat for my bum, but I am including it just in case you are one of those people that can do exercise given the proper motivation. For me, I think I would rather watch the blank screen, so I am not sure it would work for me.

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